Heavy and above-average rains caused flooding and fatalities in western Angola.
Onset of the rainy season expected in Eastern Africa during the next week.
1) Since late December, a sharp reduction in rainfall has resulted in mid-season dryness across parts of southern Angola, western Zambia, northern Namibia into the Caprivi Strip region, and the Ghanzi and Ngamiland districts of Botswana. The continuation of suppressed rainfall is expected to negatively impact crops.
2) Poorly-distributed rains since January have resulted in abnormal dryness across southeastern Botswana, the Free State, North West, and Limpopo provinces of South Africa, and the southern parts of Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Limited rainfall is forecast during the next week, which could sustain moisture deficits.
3) Below-average rainfall over the past several weeks has increased rainfall deficits, which have already impacted crop conditions across the bimodal region of northern Tanzania. The forecast little to no rainfall during the next week may worsen conditions on the ground.
4) Extended dry spells since January have led to large rainfall deficits in northeastern Namibia. The continued below-average rain has degraded vegetation conditions further. With the rainy season approaching to an end, recovery is unlikely.
5) Below-average rainfall since February has resulted in increasing rainfall deficits in southwestern Ethiopia.
Enhanced rains are forecast during the next week, which should help to reduce moisture deficits.
6) Heavy and above-average rains triggered flooding, causing many fatalities in Lobito area of the Benguela province of western Angola during the past week. Heavy downpours are forecast to continue during the next week, which may exacerbate the ground conditions or lead to new flooding in the area.